At Sanpellegrino, we have over 125 years of history bringing Italian style and refinement around the world. We not only believe that life is richer when it’s lived with taste, we are convinced that taste and creativity can transform lives. That's why we are driven by the desire to nurture and promote a sustainable food and drink culture globally.
Fine Dining Lovers
One of the ways we seek to cultivate and broadcast the concept of sustainability is through Fine Dining Lovers, our platform for foodies, where you can discover the most exciting dining experiences and the best tips for recreating the restaurant experience at home. It's a leading voice, one we use to promote responsibility and inclusivity in fine dining.

Food for Soul
S.Pellegrino has joined forces with the non-profit organisation Food for Soul to support their global mission to reduce waste and improve the health of our food system. Launched by Chef Massimo Bottura and Lara Gilmore, Food for Soul encourages healthy consumption behaviour and brings food to people in need around the world.