S.Pellegrino Mineral water is over 100 years old. It is distributed in over 135 countries and undergoes 400 quality controls every day. These below are just some of the facts and figures that make S.Pellegrino ‘the champagne of mineral waters’.
1.5 l This is the format of the new Magnum bottle, 150 cl of perfect Live in Italian essence. The other formats of the glass bottles are: 1 l, 75 cl, 50 cl.
8-10°C It’s the perfect temperature (46-50°), advised to enjoy the S.Pellegrino water and all its nuances.
10 That’s the number of bottling lines in the San Pellegrino Terme factory, and they work 24/24 hours.
30 cl It’s the volume of S.Pellegrino water that can fit in Verres D’O, the tasting glass designed by Chef DavideOldani.
52.2 mg/l is the quantity of magnesium in one liter of S.Pellegrino water. Not too much and not too little.
135 Is the number of countries where S.Pellegrino mineral water is distributed in the world.
358 msl That’s the altitude of the source where the pure waters springs from, in San Pellegrino Terme, next to the Alps, in Italy.
400 Those are the chemical-microbiologic checks and daily sensory tests to guarantee the quality of the S.Pellegrino water.
1899 That’s the year of foundation of the Company for the bottling of S.Pellegrino mineral water.
2015 As in Expo Milano 2015, an international event sponsored by S.Pellegrino as Official Water Partner.
1,000,000,000 The number of S.Pellegrino mineral water bottles sold in the world in 2010.